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Enhancing Forest Management with Katam

What matters to us, is to help you to improve the management of your forests and obtain high quality data. To achieve this goal, we have numerous approaches at our disposal.

The lack of knowledge about the real situation of the forest, the erroneous precision of the inventories and the negligence in the identification of problems, directly affect the productivity of planted forests.

Today, Photogrammetry and Lidar are great tools to address these issues by providing precise and comprehensive data collection and analysis capabilities. Photogrammetry enables detailed mapping and monitoring through high-resolution aerial imagery and Lidar technology offers high-resolution 3D models of forest structure, facilitating accurate biomass estimation and monitoring of changes over time, while AI algorithms process and interpret vast datasets to detect patterns, predict growth, and optimize management strategies.

But, different kinds of environments require different types of technology, and each of them have pros and cons.

When working with Lidar, it is possible to obtain results with higher precision and detailing, due to its high resolution, the data are collected quickly and automatically and it is possible to use in various forest situations. However, this method has high cost, both for equipment, processing and the huge amount of data, requires a processing and analysis team trained due to technical complexity and has limitations on climatic conditions such as rain, fog, snow and dense forests, because the penetration of the coping pulses can be limited.

On the other hand, as the photogrammetry do not provide the same quantity of data, the method it’s more accessible, robust and easy to operate, the data collected have high detail and can be used in areas of large extension, in any climatic conditions, regardless of the presence or absence of rain, fog or snow. This method is less detailed when compared with Lidar, and its use is recommended in projects to analyze quantitative or qualitative information of the forest.

Did you know that Katam is daily working with photogrammetry, photos & videos, and Lidar? We can also use the combination of both methods to acquire the results your company needs.

Together with your company and our team of experts, we will define the best solution that will provide the best data for each situation.

Want to know more? Contact us and schedule a conversation with our team to learn about Katam solutions.